Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy 22nd Birthday Austin!

Its so crazy that my little brother is already 22, it makes me feel old!! We celebrated his birthday by going to Olive Garden in Provo for dinner. His favorite cake has always been Baskin Robbins ice cream cake and he always gets mint chocolate chip. So after dinner we headed down to Baskin Robbins to pick up his cake and eat it. He told us that if we sang Happy Birthday to him that he would walk away and leave, so we didn't sing, we put the candles on the cake and then he blow them out, Harper was so confused why we were not singing Happy Birthday to him. Oh well its his birthday and we did what he wanted to. We had a good time getting together. Happy Birthday Austin, we love you!Eating the yummy ice cream cake.
Getting ready to blow them out, no singing of Happy birthday this time.

1 comment:

Brittney said...

He has good taste in birthday cakes, that is the same one I get every year too!!