Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Girls Night Out!!

Once a month me and some of my friends from High school like to get together and have a girls night out. This month we went over to my friend Kamie's house in Spanish Fork. We had a chocolate fountain we set up and had all sorts of yummy things to dip in it, like strawberries, bananas, marshmallows, apples, pretzels, peeps, and cinnamon bunnies. It was a lot of fun and we also brought our wedding pictures and enjoyed just chatting and also finished cutting up a rag quilt i was making from my friend Ashley that was having her baby on Easter. It was a great night, thanks girls!!

Lacey, Kamie, Amber, Rachel & Ally
Lacey did most of the cutting, thanks Kamie for letting us use your scissors!!
Fun times

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