Monday, May 10, 2010

What we have been doing the last month...

Garrett is standing up and taking about 5 steps at a time. Im sure by next month when i post what we have been doing he will be cruising around everywhere!

We got a 1 year memebership for me and the kids to the Living Planet Aquarium. The boys love it!

Harper loves to get DIRTY, this is in our backyard playing with his cars.

One Sunday afternoon we walked up to the park and Jourdan was helping Harper fly his kite.

I watch my nephew Dax 3 days a week, he is almost 7 months old. He is such a good and fun baby!

Enjoying the nights that are so nice, out on the front porch.

Enjoying eating otter pops.

Getting some plants and things for our yard.

Getting organized and getting rid of lots of toys and other random things! This is Harper closet i got all cleaned.

Going yard selling with my Mom down in Spanish Fork. We went one Saturday and got all this stuff! I love yard sales and i have got my Mom addicted too!

Dealing with Garrett's skin breaking out and him ALWAYS itching it.We are taking him to Primary Childrens hospital on June 4th to get him into a good allergy dr and see what else he is allergic to. Cause we are avoiding everything he is allergic to and he still is breaking out. So we are trying to get some more answers.

Going to the discovery park in Pleasant Grove. We put Garrett in the swing and this is how he stayed the whole time, it was so funny and looked so uncomfortable but he liked it!

Going to Baskin Robbins 31 cent scoop night. This was waiting in line, yes it was freezing outside but we still got some yummy ice cream!

Busy fixing the toys, Harper loves to try and fix them even when they arent broken, Garrett wanted to help this day too.

Watching the NBA finals.The Jazz are not doing the greatest against the Lakers but we are still watching and cheering them on!

Eating lots and lots of ice cream and other things. This was after we went to Hogi Yogi and Harper had ate a chicken bowl, a huge frozen yogurt, and then finished off Jourdan's milk shake. He was hyper if you cant tell! ha ha, needless to say the next day he was throwing up, think he ate way to much!

Each year me & my Friend Christine go out to dinner and to a play up at the U of U for our birthday's. We are 3 days apart and have been friends since we were like a week old. We grew up living by each other in Orem for many many years and we are still friends! We went up Tuesday May 4th and went to Chuck a Rama and saw 42nd street. It was so much fun and i love Christine like my sister!!

Going to Thanksgiving Point Farm country with our Mommy Club. Harper loved the pony rides and got to ride them twice!

Garrett having fun in this fun room we found at the farm country.

Going out with friends i used to work with at PMI. We went to Zupas for dinner and to the Holy Cow and DI shopping. It was so fun to catch up and visit with them!

That is just what we have been up to the last month. Busy, busy busy!!

1 comment:

Wilkinson Family said...

oh my gosh, you got some great finds at yard sales! and i forgot you are a great di shopper!!! i would love to tag along one time!!!