Monday, February 22, 2010

Garrett over the last couple months.

Our little boy is growing up so fast! I cant believe he is going to be one in like 3 weeks! He is so fun and loves to play with his brother Harper, they crawl around the house and love chasing each other, its so fun. In Janurary i took Garrett to a allergy Dr in Orem to have him tested to see what he is allergic too, and are you ready for this. He is allergic to:
So we are very limited in what he can eat and have. It is so hard to find things he can eat. He can eat fruits & veggies, meats, beans, corn,  and rice. We have found a couple things at Good earth he can eat that he loves, They have some yogurt there that is made of coconut milk and for a little tiny cup it is $2.50!! So crazy but he loves it so we get it for him. But for know we are just trying to find things he can eat and reading labels on everything. So if you have any recipes or tips on anything else he can eat that would be so nice!

Garrett 9 months old
He really is so happy!
Garrett at 10 months old.
This was the first time he pulled himself up on the couch, he was so excited!

Pulling himself up in his crib too, he is getting so big!
Jourdan was giving him a Popsicle and it was a lime one, hence his face expressions! It was so funny, but he actually loved it!
Eating a sucker, and sitting in his new high chair, I found it on KSL for $50 so i told my Mom that Garrett needed a new high chair so she gave it to him early for his birthday, he seems to like it.

1 comment:

Nate Family said...

Wow, you have been busy blogging! Your boys are too cute! I can't believe Garrett is almost one, that went by so fast. By the way, I LOVE all of the pics on the right side and at the top.