Monday, February 22, 2010

Jazz game for Valentines present.

So this year for Valentines day me & Jourdan decided that instead of getting gifts for each other for V-day, we wanted to get tickets to the Jazz game, so Jourdan said that the Nuggetts vs Jazz would be a good game so we got our tickets for the game at Costco and got 2 lower bowl tickets for $120, which was a good deal. So the game was on Saturday Feb 6th and all that week the kids had been sick and we were crossing our fingers that they would be better by Saturday so we could go to the game, we even had the babysitter lined up, our neice Hailey to come babysit. So come Saturday i had a baby shower to go to and so i was gone for a couple hours, and well i got home and the boys were still acting sick and needing Mom, so i just told Jourdan i thought i should stay home with the boys and he just sell the tickets, well Jourdan said well i still want to go, so he asked his brother Mike to go with him and they went to the Jazz game. So much for having a Valentines day date. ha ha, oh well our boys being taken care of is more important.

These are the pictures that Jourdan took.
Jourdan said the seats were pretty good, im sad i missed out!

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